Upcoming Events at OAPC!

Calendar of Events for the Lent and Easter Season

Friday, March 28

Walking with Jesus through the Old Testament,

Lenten Class

12:00pm, Conference Room

Sunday, March 30

Fourth Sunday in Lent

Dimes for Hunger Collection

Bible Club, 5-6pm, Room 2211

Friday, April 4

Walking with Jesus through the

Old Testament Lenten Class

12:00pm, Conference Room

Sunday, April 6

Fifth Sunday in Lent


Bible Club, 5-6pm, Room 2211

Friday, April 11

Walking with Jesus through the

Old Testament Lenten Class

12:00pm, Conference Room

Sunday April 13

Palm Sunday

Liturgy with Grace Lutheran

Churchwide Photo

Joyful Praise and Covenant Choirs Sing

Easter Egg Hunt and Crafts, 4-5:30pm

Thursday, April 17

Maundy Thursday

Service at 7pm, Sanctuary

Good Friday, April 18

Walking with Jesus through the

Old Testament Lenten Class

12:00pm, Conference Room

Sunday, April 20

Easter Day

Butterfly Release

March 2025

Simple Plan

Significant Results

  1. Keep a jar on your table for the month of March.
  2. At each meal every person puts a dime in the jar to help feed the hungry.
  3. Pray, giving thanks for your food and remembering those who do not have enough to eat.
  4. Make a joyful noise as we collect and dedicate our dimes at Worship on March 30th.

Our Collective Outcome

Feed the hungry locally and in Guatemala, Honduras, and Malawi

Dimes for Hunger

OAPC  |  2025

Spring Bible Club for 2nd-5th Graders

Sundays from 5-6 p.m.

(March 9, 16, 23, 30, & April 6) in room 2211

Learn how to navigate God’s Word by studying the

New Testament books and their contents.

Registration Link: https://oapc.link/CM25_BibleClub

Children’s Ministry Easter Celebration


Sunday, April 13

4-5:30 p.m.

Please bring a basket!

Come celebrate with your children as we

complete crafts and activities inspired

by the Easter story as well as hunt for eggs!!!


Butterfly Release

Easter Sunday, April 20th


Fill a Bucket Family Event


Sunday, May 18

4-5:30 p.m.

Join us as we explore and share ways to be

"bucket-fillers" before eating pizza together!

Activities will vary based on age

(0s-K & 1st-5th).


Together On Wednesdays

January 15 - April 16

Join us for dinner starting at 5:00pm!

Classes begin at 6:00pm

Invitation to Mindfulness, Conference Room

Mindfulness can be a wonderful practice during the Lenten season. As we "give" up something, we can "add" some calm to our impossibly busy lives. Mindfulness helps us set intentions, pray, meditate, and learn to stay in the here and now. Please join us for some time to "Be still and know."

Mission Map Discoveries, Room 2209

Come with us on a journey to explore the incredible work of our Mission Partners this season by attending Mission Map Discoveries. Who are they? What do they do? Whom do they serve? Each week we'll delve into these questions and deepen our understanding of how we live out our call to Love God; Love neighbor through their vital ministries.

Walking in Faith, Welcome Center

Come connect during a walk with others in our church after dinner from 6-6:45pm.

Dorothy Day Soup Kitchen

Oakland Avenue Presbyterian Church has a standing commitment to serve at the Dorothy Day Soup Kitchen on the 3rd Tuesdays and 5th Saturdays of the month.

For more information, please contact Hannalie Ferguson : hannalie.ferguson@gmail.com

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