Building on Faith.
Rooted in the Past.
Reaching for the Future.
"Let this be recorded for a generation to come, so that a people yet unborn may praise the Lord." Psalm 102:18
Over the summer, the stewardship committee, staff, and members of Session came together to work on naming the new building and creating a vision statement for its use. In doing so, the constant themes of intergenerational fellowship, love for community, and the creation of a new worship space that will point people to Christ emerged. It is our hope that Oakland Hall will be the anchor to further our ministry so that OAPC will be known
for how we love God, and our neighbor.
Throughout scripture God calls one generation to pass on the faith to the next. Moses commanded the Israelites to teach their children of God's deliverance and love.
The Psalmist insists that we record our faith for a people yet unborn.
In this new phase of growth at OAPC, we are seeking to ensure that Oakland Hall and its programs will faithfully connect with and care for all people of the church and community, from the youngest to the oldest, thus, ensuring God's mission to pass on the faith from one generation to another.
Capital Campaign Phase 2:
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Clearing space to make room for a new phase of growth at OAPC.
Creating a new space for our church to gather together and
provide for generations to come.
Engagement Christ-centered Connection Convener Serve Fellowship Intergenerational Inclusive Community Love
Engagement Christ-centered Connection Convener Serve Fellowship Intergenerational Inclusive Community Love
421 Oakland Avenue, Rock Hill, SC 29730
Phone : 803.327.2006 Email :
Office Hours : Monday - Friday, 8:00 a.m - 4:00 p.m.
For after hours emergency contact, please call 803.329.6276