Children's Ministry
Sunday School
(Infants to 5th graders)
9:45 a.m.
We are currently following the Spark: Activate Faith Curriculum. This curriculum explores key stories from Genesis to the letters of Paul in a two-year cycle. These lessons provide an age-appropriate study of the Bible while prioritizing hands-on learning and encouraging children to experience the salvation arc each year by exploring the Old Testament in the Fall and the New Testament in the Spring.
Our program supports families in the faith formation of children at home. All ages study the same Bible story simultaneously, our lessons are centered around the Spark Story Bible (gifted to each family by the church) and additional faith formation ideas provided in our weekly Family Page.
Kids’ Kirk
(4 year olds to 1st graders)
11:00 a.m.
Children attend worship and are escorted to Kids’ Kirk after Children’s Time. Our teachers present the same lesson from Sunday School, reinforcing learning through repetition while also taking time to “wonder” and ask questions to engage with God’s word. We introduce and practice specific worship components (Call to Worship, Offering, Scripture/Story, Response, etc.) in a safe environment. This time fosters fellowship through snack time, playtime, and creative expression (art), while also encouraging each child’s sense of belonging and participation in the worship life of our church.
(Infants to 3 year olds)
11:00 a.m.
We are currently following the Frolic Nursery Curriculum that was developed by early childhood experts and introduces little ones to faith concepts in age-appropriate ways. It starts Faith formation at birth, nurturing faith through storytelling, prayers, and music.
Even in the younger age groups, our program supports families in the faith formation of children at home. Our lessons are centered around Frolic First Bible (gifted to teach child by the church). We provide access to Frolic Board Books, extending curriculum into key themes to share at home. Additional faith formation ideas are provided in take-home nursery cards.
Sunday School Classes
Birth - 3 : Room 2108 (Parlor)
4 - 1st Grade : Room 2110C (Chapel)
2nd Grade - 5th Grade : Room 2211

Children's Music Program
Children's Choir : Joyful Praise Choir, 6 pm Wednesdays, in the Music Suite
This choir introduces children (4K - 1st grade) to singing and musical skills while preparing them to be lifelong
participants in worship. Singing, music, hymn learning, Bible stories, and worship skills are
taught through a variety of games and activities.
Children's Choir : Covenant Choir, 6 pm Wednesdays, in the Music Suite
In this choir, children (2nd - 5th grade) grow in their understanding of vocal and musical skills through singing and playing
instruments, while continuing to study hymns, Bible stories, and worship skills during weekly rehearsals.
*The Music Program follows the school calendar and runs from August through May.
Bible Club
All 2nd - 5th Graders are invited to join
Bible Club
Bible Club runs for 5 Sundays twice during the year.
Come learn how to navigate God's Word by studying the Old and New Testament books and their contents.
Children's Ministry Family Events
Vacation Bible School
Trunk or Treat
Christmas Pageant
Easter Celebration
Easter Egg Hunt
Butterfly Release
Vacation Bible School
Bible Club
Open Studio Paint, Build, Music, and Sculpt Events
Monthly Family Events
Our goal is to foster Christian formation and fellowship with a community of loving teachers
and helpers that create a safe environment to learn and explore.
***Children’s Ministry Team members must complete Safe Place Training and submit to a
background check every three years.
421 Oakland Avenue, Rock Hill, SC 29730
Phone : 803.327.2006 Email :
Office Hours : Monday - Friday, 8:00 a.m - 4:00 p.m.
For after hours emergency contact, please call 803.329.6276