Dorothy Day Soup Kitchen
Oakland prepares and serves meals on the 3rd and 5th Saturdays of each month. The soup kitchen is located in Brannon Hall, the activity center of St. Mary’s Catholic Church, 902 Crawford Road. Because of State of SC regulations, volunteers must be 16 or older. To volunteer to serve on those dates, please call Hannalie Ferguson at 803 984 2439.
Hope of Rock Hill
The OAPC Congregation is encouraged to walk across the street to learn more about the ways your gifts and time serve throughout the Rock Hill community, by partnering with HOPE of Rock Hill. Come see how HOPE has been able to efficiently expand this ministry by utilizing their much larger space provided through our former Activities Center. Celebrate with us in sharing hope with Rock Hill!
Pilgrims' Inn
Pilgrims Inn is a not-for-profit organization serving Rock Hill and surrounding communities of York County, SC. Individuals and families who are homeless, at risk of homelessness or are having trouble providing for their basic needs are helped. Our mission is to serve families and individuals who are homeless or at risk of homelessness. We strive to provide a combination of immediate emergency aid with ongoing guidance and support to enable clients to achieve better stability and independence, and avoid future crises. We particularly seek to protect children from the ravages of chronic poverty.
Bethel Shelters
In 2021, Bethel Men’s Shelter expanded its mission and began operations at the Bethel Day Shelter, a daytime shelter for men and women located at Pathways Community Center in Rock Hill. The Day Shelter operates 8:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. every day, and provides laundry services, showers and restroom facilities, lockers, respite, and partners with other agencies to connect clients to needed services.
Family Promise of York County
Their Mission: To provide a comprehensive and compassionate program of meals, shelter and case management services to homeless families through a community network of congregations and staff that foster long-term self sufficiency, independence and success for families. Their Vision: That families leave the program better equipped to meet life's challenges.
Their Goal: That families resume and maintain self- sufficiency and independence in permanent housing.
On Thursdays, the program serves 24 first through fifth grade students. Students walk with adult volunteers from Ebenezer Ave. to the church. At the OAPC, all the children are fed a snack. After snack, the older children are released to the Student Center with their tutors to begin the individualize study session. The younger children hear a story or do a musical activity and then they too are released with their tutor to begin working at individual locations within the church proper. At 4:00 a bell rings, all materials are gathered, and the children assemble to board the two church vans that will take them directly to their homes.
National Alliance on Mental Illness
Matthew 25
OAPC made a commitment to radical and fearless discipleship by focusing our work in these three key areas:
421 Oakland Avenue, Rock Hill, SC 29730
Phone : 803.327.2006 Email :
Office Hours : Monday - Friday, 8:00 a.m - 4:00 p.m.
For after hours emergency contact, please call 803.329.6276