Y O U  W I L L  B E  E N R I C H E D  I N  E V E R Y  W A Y  F O R  Y O U R  G R E A T  G E N E R O S I T Y ,

W H I C H  W I L L  P R O D U C E  T H A N K S G I V I N G  T O  G O D T H R O U G H  U S .

- 2 C O R I N T H I A N S 9 : 1 1

 A L T E R N A T I V E g i f t   f a i r  2024

Welcome to AGF 2024

We're glad you're here!

F o u r  W a y s  t o  S u p p o r t  M I S S I O N S  a t  O A P C

(Here's the short version)

  1. Shop the OAPC Online Gift Auction
  2. Make designated Gifts for Mission Partners
  3. Shop the PC(USA) Presbyterian Gift Catalog
  4. Buy Cafe Justo Coffee (in the Welcome Center)

Mission Partners Giving 2024

As our world continues to reel from violence, war, systemic poverty and structural racism, you have an opportunity to offer hope and tangible help to our neighbors whose lives are fragile through designated giving to our Mission Partners for 2024.

Your selected Mission Partners will receive 100% of your gift.

This giving option is open through 12/31/2024.


Review the Mission Partners Index in this catalog and select the partners you would like to support with a gift. There are multiple ways to make your donation:

  • Visit our website: oapc.net and click on the Alternative Gift Fair tab in the menu on the home page. Choose the Mission Partners you want to support and click the ‘GIVE NOW’ button.

  • Fill out the ‘order form’ in this catalog and return to the church office with your payment. Please make checks payable to OAPC and write AGF on the Memo line.

  • Text OAPC to 73256. Be sure to select the Mission Partners by name with your gift and memo AGF on your payment.




If you are giving in honor or memory of someone, we have gift acknowledgment cards available at the church office to notify your recipient or their families. We are also happy to mail these cards to you if you prefer.

Fair Trade Coffee 2024

Café Justo - Fair Trade Coffee

Café Justo is a small-scale coffee company that aims to provide sustainable living opportunities to coffee growers in Salvador Urbina. They employ members of the community in the agricultural, production, and management - administrative roles while also delivering high-quality, organic, environmentally conscious, and fresh roasted coffee to customers at a fair price.


  • To buy fair trade coffee, visit the Café Justo table in the OAPC Welcome Center. Also visit justcoffee.org or call

        (520) 364-3532 for more information.

Presbyterian Giving Catalog 2024

Presbyterian Giving Catalog

Every gift contributes to a story of hope, supporting causes like people, water, agriculture, and livestock through the Giving Catalog. Small actions can lead to transformative change. Discover how your gifts can nurture gardens and generations.


  • Donate online at https://presbyteriangifts.pcusa.org/gifts/ or send a gift to PC(USA): PO Box 643700, Pittsburgh, PA 15264.

OAPC Mission Partner Index - 2024

AEC adult enrichment center

In 1985, OAPC founded Park Avenue Adult Day Care Center to assist aging and frail adults. With expanded programs now called Thrive, Renew, and High5 School of the Arts, Adult Enrichment Centers (AEC) serve over 250 neurodiverse adults and those with dementia or disabilities across four locations with nationally recognized innovative day services.

Website: adultenrichmentcenters.org | Phone: 803-327-0121

Affinity Health Center

Affinity Health Center began in 1994 as the Catawba Care Coalition for the HIV+ community in York, Chester, and Lancaster Counties. In 2015, it became a full-service family practice offering affordable healthcare. As a Federally Qualified

Community Health Center, it provides comprehensive care with

compassion and respect to patients in York County.

Website: affinityhealthcenter.org | Phone: 803-909-6363

Bethel Shelters

Bethel Shelters provides year-round emergency shelter services, primarily for homeless men, with a mission to offer safety, hot meals, and resources to foster self-sufficiency. Founded as a seasonal warming center in 2007, it has expanded to include a daytime shelter and workforce development program, addressing homelessness in York, Chester, and Lancaster counties.

Website: bethelshelters.org | Phone: 803-327-4881

Bethelwoods Camp and Conference Center

Bethelwoods Camp and Conference Center is a Christian retreat in York, SC, covering 157 wooded acres and affiliated with the Presbyterian Church (USA). It welcomes diverse groups year- round, providing hospitality and an environment to share God's love.

Website: bethelwoods.org | Phone: 803-366-3722

Better Bound Bookstore

Better Bound Bookstore and Youth Development is a social enterprise that provides job training and development for at-risk youth aged 16-21, including those in foster care, court involved or failing school/out of school. Participants work in an online resale bookstore where they learn essential life skills with active mentoring and coaching for success.

Website: betterboundyouth.org | Phone: 803-981-9011

Children's Attention Home

Since 1970, the Children's Attention Home in York County has been providing temporary shelter, compassionate support, and individualized care for foster children and homeless teens ages 17-

21. Established by the Rock Hill Ministerial Association, the Home has served over 8,500 children since its inception.

Website: attentionhome.org | Phone: 803-328-8871


Church World Service, established by 17 Christian denominations post-World War II, initially aided war-torn Europe and Asia and welcomed refugees to the US. While its programs have evolved, its commitment to collaboration and support remains. The organization focuses on helping communities achieve healthy, dignified, and safe lives.

Website: cwsglobal.org | Phone: 800-297-1516

Dorothy Day Soup Kitchen

The Dorothy Day Soup Kitchen serves free hot meals to anyone in need and has been doing so for over 30 years, often providing hot lunches to as many as 135 people each day from Monday to Saturday. OAPC members cook and serve on 3rd Tuesdays and 5th Saturdays at the kitchen located at 902 Crawford Road, Rock Hill.

Website: dorothydaysoupkitchen.org | Phone: 803-366-2963

Family Promise of York County

Family Promise of York County collaborates with churches, social service agencies, and volunteers to provide meals, shelter, and support services to homeless families. The organization's aim is to help families achieve self-sufficiency and independence in permanent housing.

Website: familypromiseyc.org | Phone: 803-329-2456

Frontera de Cristo

Frontera de Cristo is a border ministry focused on gospel values that emphasizes building bridges over walls. Operating in Douglas, Arizona, and Agua Prieta, Sonora, Mexico, they address immediate needs and the root causes of migration, while helping individuals create safe, sustainable lives in their communities.

Through a collaborative network of services, they offer shelter, education, and emotional support to both migrants and local residents, affirming their dignity and worth.

Website: fronteradecristo.org


HOP Hunger Outreach Program

In 2017, OAPC joined efforts with other local churches to prepare and deliver 200 meals to some of our community’s most impoverished citizens. On the first Sunday of each month, September through May, OAPC members cook, package and deliver hot meals across Rock Hill.

Contact Mary Scheper at mbscheper1@gmail.com for more information

Habitat for Humanity of York County

Habitat for Humanity of York County envisions a world where everyone has a decent place to live. Founded in 1988, the organization aims to put God’s love into action by uniting people to build homes, communities, and hope. Through faith, innovation, and community support, it has significantly impacted York


Website: yorkcountyhabitat.org | Phone: 803-328-1728

HOPE of Rock Hill

Hope House was established in 1975 by a local minister and a group of concerned churches, including OAPC, to help people during the textile mill closures in the area. Now known as Hope of Rock Hill and housed in the former OAPC Family Life Center, they are a crisis assistance ministry to fill gaps in basic needs.

Over 90 cents of every dollar goes directly to direct services to help people in need.

Website: https://www.hopeofrockhill.com   Phone: 803-328-8000

Hospice and Community Care

Hospice & Community Care, founded in the early 1980s, offers hope and compassion to individuals at life's end. Originally York County Hospice, it now includes the Wayne T. Patrick Hospice House in Rock Hill. Donations help provide services regardless of patients' ability to pay.

Website: hospicecommunitycare.org | Phone: 803-329-1500.


NAACP Empowerment Programs

NAACP is a grassroots organization fighting for civil rights and social justice for Black Americans. Our work is inspired by the legacies of W.E.B. Du Bois, Ida B. Wells, Thurgood Marshall, and other civil rights leaders. Our vision is a world without racism, where everyone can exercise their rights and enjoy equitable opportunities.

Website: naacp.org or Facebook @rockhillready

NAMI National Alliance on Mental Illness Piedmont Tri-County

NAMI Piedmont Tri-County was founded in the 1980s as the Rock Hill Alliance for the Mentally Ill by Bettye Jean Boone and Louise Hassenplug. Serving York, Chester, and Lancaster counties from its office and Drop-In Center at OAPC in Rock Hill, NAMI offers free education classes and support for families affected by mental health issues and educates schools, police, and child agencies on mental illness signs and symptoms.

Website: namipiedmont.org | Phone: 803-610-8174.

PATHWAYS Community Center

Pathways Community Center Inc. aims to reduce homelessness and poverty in York County by connecting those in need with essential services and collaborating with 18 co-located agencies. They provide on-site support for stability, wellness, skill building, financial management, and workforce development.

Website: pathwaysYC.org | Phone: 803-366-7284

Pilgrims' Inn

Pilgrims' Inn, established in 1981 by Trish Kuhlkin, addresses homelessness and hunger in Rock Hill by offering emergency assistance and support for independence. Services include shelter for women and children, counseling, job readiness training, daycare, and transitional housing, aiming to restore client dignity.

Website: pilgrimsinn.org | Phone: 803-327-4227


Presbyterian Disaster Assistance

Presbyterian Disaster Assistance (PDA) supports congregations in the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) to care for communities affected by crises and disasters. Funded by the One Great Hour of Sharing and designated gifts, PDA serves as the church's emergency and refugee program, covering staff and administrative costs.

Website: pda.pcusa.org


Safe Passage

Safe Passage provides free 24-hour emergency shelter, a crisis line, advocacy, counseling, and supportive services for victims of domestic violence, sexual assault, and child abuse in York, Chester, Lancaster, and Union counties. All are welcome regardless of income, age, sex, race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, limited English proficiency, or disability.

Website: safepassagesc.org | Phone: 803-329-3336

STAR Student Tutorial and Recreation

STAR (Student Tutoring and Recreation) at OAPC is an afterschool program for selected students in grades 1-5 from nearby Ebenezer Elementary School. The program provides tutoring, healthy snacks, music, crafts, and field trips to promote academic success. STAR was born from a Bible study on peacemaking over 30 years ago. Since then, OAPC members have served in many different roles with STAR to build long-term relationships with students and their families.

Contact Mary Scheper or Dr. Kat West to learn more


Syria/Lebanon Urgent Relief Fund

The Syrian crisis has lasted more than 10 years, impacting all aspects of life. Urgent relief is needed for internally displaced and war-affected families. The National Evangelical Synod of Syria and Lebanon (NESSL) has launched a Relief Project to offer cash assistance for heating, water, rent, and food.

Website: https://oapc.link/SyrianRelief

THE HAVEN Men's Shelter

The Haven Men's Shelter, established in 2006 as a winter shelter, evolved into a year-round facility due to greater demand. Located in The Pathways Community Center, it aims to empower unhoused men through hope, compassion, and opportunities to end chronic homelessness.

Website: thehavenrh.org | Phone: 803-328-1143


The Life House

The Life House provides support to help women transition from homelessness to stable housing and community involvement. Built on security, stability, and safety, the ministry emphasizes love, grace, humility, and hospitality, they offer shelter, meals, laundry, showers, and case management.

Website: thelifehousewomensshelter.org Phone: 803-598-0476


Thornwell, named after a Presbyterian minister, was founded in 1875 to provide safety and security for orphaned children. Today, Thornwell continues to support vulnerable children and families in need through homes and crisis support across Florida, Georgia, and South Carolina.

Website: thornwell.org | Phone: 888-310-9387


In a motion to Session in November 2020, OAPC made a commitment to radical and fearless

discipleship by focusing our work in these three key areas:

  •  Building congregational vitality by challenging people and congregations to deepen their faith and get actively and joyfully engaged with their community and the world.

  •  Dismantling structural racism by advocating and acting to break down the systems, practices and thinking that underlie discrimination, bias, prejudice and oppression of people of color.

  •  Eradicating systemic poverty by working to change laws, policies, plans and structures in our society that perpetuate economic exploitation of people who are poor.


“Then the righteous will answer him, ‘Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give you something to drink? When did we see you a stranger and invite you in, or needing clothes and clothe you? When did we see you sick or in prison and

go to visit you?’ “The King will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters

of mine, you did for me.’” Matthew 25:37-40



To complete this form online indicating your Mission Partner designations for 2024, click on the GIVE tab, Select DONATE, Enter the amount you wish to donate, and select the Mission Partner from the drop down menu.


AGF Mission Partners Total Gift $ _________


Adult Enrichment Centers           

Affinity Health Care                     

Bethel Shelters                           

Bethelwoods Camp                 

Better Bound Book Store             

Café Justo - Just Coffee                 

Children’s Attention Home           

CWS - Church World Service

Dorothy Day Soup Kitchen                                         

Family Promise                           

Frontera de Cristo Border Ministry

Habitat York County

HOP Hunger Outreach Program

HOPE of Rock Hill                                                   

Hospice & Community Care


NAMI Tri-County Piedmont         


Pilgrim’s Inn                                 

PDA - Presbyterian Disaster Assistance  

Safe Passage                                 

STAR - Student Tutoring Program

Syria/Lebanon Urgent Relief Fund

The Haven                                                     

The Life House                               

Thornwell Children's Home 


We invite you to celebrate Christmas by making the world a better place -

shop once and double the benefit!

F O R  M O R E  I N F O

Please contact any member of the AGF Team to learn more!

Mary Ann McDow, Chair

               Sandra Thomas               

Robyn Brown

               Gale DiGiorgio               

Kim Keel

    Rev. Letarshia Robinson   

Dr. Kat West


You will be enriched in every way for your great generosity,

which will produce thanksgiving to God through us.

- 2 Corinthians 9:11



Website : OAPC. NET         

Phone : 803 - 327 - 2006

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